Fall Boots Essentials

Good Morning WordPress !

Since my last update was more than a month ago, I thought i’d come to say hi and explain a bit why I’ve been so inactive, I mean it’s not really a big deal, It’s not like i used to post 5times a day or something haha…

Anyways, I got back to college, And you know college can get overwhelming with crazy amount of work and stuff

Alsooooo, Which is the most exiting thing ! I am working on a new project, Still blogging related but it’s something new to make my blog the best it can be ! I am kind of a perfectionist and i like the things that i do to be .. Well, Well done ! So i can’t really tell you much about this new thing but i promise you will be the first to know when the right time comes !?

I wanted to share some of my favorite boots for fall to help get everyone ready for the cooler weather while still staying stylish! I came across a cool and useful boot care graphic from King Ranch Saddle Shop and I thought I’d share that with you guys! King Ranch Saddle Shop holds a 163 year old legacy of making leather goods! You can find anything that crosses your mind and can be made of leather and most importantly, leather boots.

1. Over the knee boots :


2. Ankle boots :


3.Cowboy boots:

ladies cowgirl boots or cowboy boots for men are both fashionable and functional! They are perfect for hiking or riding horses. You can even make a fashion statement wearing these!


Wanna know how to care for these babies ? :


Thanks to King Ranch Saddle Shop for sharing it with us !

What are your favorite boots for fall ? Did you like my selection ? How would you style cowboy boots ? Be sure to let me know in the comments !


The It Fashionista.


Fall Wishlist – Fashion&Beauty

This is a glorious day for The It Fashionista ! Two blog posts in a row ? There most be something in the air !

I really wanted to share with you my Fall Wishlist ! This also include my Back To School (College) wishlist because believe it or not, I’m still on vacation..and I’m not complaining one bit.

So without further a do … The Wishlist ! (doesn’t it sound like some cheesy movie title?)

Gianvito Rossi suede ankle boots – net-a-porter.com


Another pair of ankle boots by Gianvito Rossi because obviously you can never have enough Ankle Boots, And the color is actually one of my favorites ! – net-a-porter.com


Isabel Marant sweather.. I mean ankle boots and cute sweaters ? Yes, Please ! –      net-a-porter.com


Isabel Marant turtleneck , Can we talk about how cute the bow is ? Its like a bandana without having to wear a bandana ! Love it – net-a-porter.com755540_in_pp

Givenchy Antigona bag in Medium- This bag, I think, Is perfect for college ! It’s big enough to fit everything you need but not too big so it doesn’t seem weird carrying plus it’s super chic yet edgy ! This is the cool girl bag honestly – net-a-porter.com


Zara Faux fur coat – Zara.com


Zara double face coat in grey&beige – Zara.com


Zara gold polka dot blouse, I love this one especially worn under the grey coat above.. and it’s so minimal and light which i love – Zara.com


Zara suede loafers, I’d honestly live in this, can we please talk about the color ? I’d prefer not haha – Zara.com


Zara lace top, I couldn’t decide which color I liked most so i put them both, If I’d go to Zara I’d def get them both, They’re both to die for – Zara.com

Another Zara coat, I really like this one because of the color obviously i’m a sucker for nude shades and also because it has a straight cut which is my favorite type of coats and the hood obviously to please my inner gangster – Zara.com

Zara pumps, These pretty much look like Chanel and won’t hurt your bank account, I’m dying for this – Zara.com

Zara city bag , I love it, I’ll def use it as an everyday bag since it’s big enough to fit everything and it has a really cute cut – Zara.com

Adidas Stan Smith in white, The one and only ! Since College will be starting soon I will be doing a lot of running around so snickers are def a most and these are just perfect because they go with anything and they’re simply white, you won’t worry about everyone wearing the same thing as you – Adidas.com


This is the end of this wishlist It wasn’t too long, right ? What are your favorite items? What are your favorite items to start fall ? Be sure to comment, I’d love to hear ! 

Oh and don’t forget to follow me on social media too !





Favorite Quote Of The Day

Ciao belleza !

How is it going for you today ? I honestly am spending an amazing day so far, The weather is beautiful and It’s a holiday and I thought to myself ; What could make this day even more awesome ? Obviously, A blog post !

And I noticed you guys really like this “Favorite quote of the day” series as much as I like sharing my favorite quotes/Idols and talk about how much they mean to me and helped me get through different situations; That’s why I am here today with an other special quote !

Today’s Quote :

Today’s quote doesn’t really have a famous name behind, Actually I’m not quite sure who said it but the moment I’ve seen it I knew I had to share it with you guys ! Now “Going with the flow” in this context is more like neglecting your likes and dislikes and being afraid to show your personality and just following what everybody is in to even if you don’t like it yourself AND THIS IS SO WRONG ! You shouldn’t feel bad if people aren’t into the same things as you ! You shouldn’t bury your amazing personality to ‘fit in’ because I know you’re a pretty rad person and having a different taste in others doesn’t make you weird or less likeable ! Au contraire that’s what makes you Unique, That’s what makes you… You ! So be proud of being different.




Good morning 😀 Today is the begining of  Fashion weeeek !

I always get exited during fashion month to see the collections for the new season ! Believe it or not, The beginning of Fashion month means that it’s the beginning of a new year to me, Does it make sense ? The beginning of football (soccer) means the same to me ! I don’t know I’m weird like that.

Every single fashion week is unique in its own way, I mean the shows, the street style, the energy everything is different yet so special !

My favorite of all time is definitely Milan. I have an endless love for Milan Fashion Week, It’s actually one of my dreams to attend it/ Be a part of it, This is like a goal that I hope I’ll achieve !

Other then Milan, I enjoy NYFW, It’s like the beginning of the madness, All eyes are one New York to see what are the new trends. So yeah, These two are my ultimate favorites !

I will try to post about my favorite looks from the shows.. Untill then,

Happy Fashion Week !



The Story Of How I Got My Driver’s License.

Helloooo beautiful people,

Although I don’t have a specific blog post today.. I just wanted to come post and share with you something very exciting that happened to me today.

And the big exiting news is that… I GOT MY DRIVER’S LICENSE TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god, I can’t describe how happy I am, Not about the fact that I got my driver’s license because it was kind of obvious that I will get it.. I mean I’ve been constantly asked to be a formula 1 driver but shrugged it off, I don’t have time for that… Just kidding, But seriously I’m a pretty good driver just sayin’.

Anyways, What I’m super happy about is that i won’t have to meet with the driving school (?) anymore !!!! They were so annoying like literally Ì had the worst experience ever the teachers were extremely boring, extremely weird, extremely annoying.. and I’m not exaggerating one bit !

Now let me explain to you how this works in my country :

You have to pass three exams, One that is oral (or theoretical which ever you like) and two practical ones, First,  You need to go to a driving school, Pay them to teach you -very badly- driving basics, and put up with their annoying, weird personas -_- (btw you have to be 18)

1. The Theoretical One : Traffic Laws.

You get in the car with this ” engineer ” who is the douchiest person you’ll ever have to encounter thinking that he’s giving you life or blood supplies to keep you going -_- and he shows you some road signs and if you get them right, Then congratulations, First exam check.

The teacher was annoying.. like unbelievably annoying.. And the day of the exam I literally waited for the whole day because there’s a lot of people that are passing different exams that day and it depends on the mood of the engineer (I seriously don’t know why they call him that) If he wants to start with the ones who came to pass the theoretical exam or the ones who have driving exam or the parking exam. You’ll wait forever anyways.

2. Parking Exam :

This exam has absolutely no meaning ! NO MEANING AT ALL ! It’s not like they’re gonna teach you how to park or anything, I don’t know how to explain how it goes but just keep in mind that it has no meaning ! You have to park the car with some kind of barriers. The only good thing is that you’re alone and you don’t have to be with the examiner dude (Let’s call him that) and he checks on you from outside. So If you park well… Good for you, One more exam to go.

Oh my god, The teacher ! He simply.. disgusted me. And the examiner was literally so rude. I don’t even wanna talk about that.

3. Driving Exam :

Which was today, I went with an open mind, I had one goal which was to get my license and never see their faces again ! And that’s what happened ! Of course I waited forever for my turn, What’s an exam day without waiting ? But it was worth it. Never gonna see their faces again !

For the driving test, You get in the car with the dude, He sees if you check your review mirror, If you turn on your indicator, If you do the first gear and second gear well enough (Yes it’s not automatic ) And he will test your patience, He will try to yell at you and kinda be rude but I didn’t care about him honestly I was in my own world mumbling Controlla by Drake.

If everything’s good then YAAAY, YOU GOT YOUR LICENSE !!!

And this is the story of how I got my driver’s license and How I won’t have anything to do with driving school species.

How does getting your driving license go in your country ? Do you remember the day you got your license ? How was it ? I’d love to hear (read) your stories in the comments !


The It Fashionista.

Favorite Quote Of The Day

Another day, Another quote…

Hello everyone ! I hope you had an amazing day but, If unlike me, your day just begun well, make it memorable 😉

Today I will talk to you about this special quote from a special, empowering woman that is definitely one of my ultimate idols and roll models… Eleanor Roosevelt.

From reading about her biography, to her fight for human rights and most importantly her wise, well chosen words for every situation a man can pass by.. This woman is a true inspiration to me.

Today’s Quote :

This quote is all about believing in yourself, believing in your abilities and most importantly trusting yourself ! We’re usually either our biggest fans or our biggest haters ! And not believing in yourself and automatically assuming that you can’t do this or that will make your brain think of the same thing and you will miss out on so many opportunities just because you didn’t give yourself a chance to prove what you’re capable of ! So next time you feel like you’re not enough or something is too big/hard for you .. Just do it ! Challenge yourself ! Fight till the end ! I believe in you… You can do whatever you set your mind to.




My favorite quotes

Good afternoon *Huge smile you can even see my wisdom tooth… If I had one*

Today was such a beautiful day ! And it still is, you know the sunset and all that jazz, the whole 5-6-7 pm is my favorite time of the day because the sky gets so artsy *Gets tomatoes thrown at my face* haha no but seriously the colors of the sky at sunset make me so chill and relaxed…

Now you will ask, what’s the link between the title of the post and this weird intro ? Well, Today I went to the beach *W*

Now my favorite thing to do at the beach is obviously tanning, I love the vacation glow that tanning gives me, And while tanning i like to catch up on all the books that i still haven’t read because during the year i don’t actually have enough time to read as much books as i want to… So that’s the perfect time to do that.

And while I was reading, I started highlighting my favorite quotes to add them to my list and I thought hey, Why not share with you my favorite quotes ? So I decided to share with you, Everyday, A quote out of many that are actually my go to quotes when I want a tap on the back like girl; You got this !

Today’s Quote :

It describes perfectly the lifestyle i wanna lead and everything that The It Fashionista is about + Maya Angelou is a true role model to me… Her Inspirational words will live on forever ❤





Hello bellezas !

Today is the first out of many posts that will be centered around beauuuty … aaaah.

Now I’m not a huge fan of makeup and i don’t wear that much makeup on a daily basis and i try to minimize  foundation as much as i can  because i always strive to have a natural skin and i always find that these makeup products make mine look cake-y and end up having breakouts that’s why i always opt for homemade face masks to get a natural clear skin so that the only think i will have to use will be sun screen or moisturizer .. They’re my ultimate besties .. You can read about my Secret Face Mask recipe on My Trending Stories page.

Anyways, I may not use skin makeup products but i definitely use other makeup products and one of my go to makeup brands would definitely be : ESSENCE .

Now Essence is pretty popular in Europe, I mean every single girl i know owns at least a blush or some nail polish from the brand .. It’s so popular because it’s good quality makeup and it’s pretty cheap compared to other brands so if you’re on budget and still want good quality makeup Essence is the answer !

For this blog post i decided to showcase this eyeshadow palette by Essence called : All About Nudes. The palette looks like this : it doesn’t come with a brush so

Pretty small and handy and obviously scratched haha, Fits perfectly in your handbag or beauty bag, Perfect for traveling and the shades are just to die for !

Since I’m a minimalist, I like neutral colors, earth tones, peachy tones and all that jazz, I like to keep my eye makeup pretty much simple yet sophisticated ! And i found the perfect shades with this palette to satisfy my minimalist soul and it made both my bank account and I happy.


I can’t really pick a favorite shade because i use them all frequently and what i love to do is mix and match them to create the perfect nude color i want which elevates my makeup and makes me look minimal chic yet sophisticated and I really love that.


Now i do have to say.. At some point, the eyeshadow DOES FADE AWAY it’s not gonna last longer and it will definitely not last the whole day maybe that’s why they made it small so you can touch up during the day. But i won’t complain i mean yes it doesn’t last I also seen on youtube some beauty gurus complaining that the colors don’t blend that well, I personally don’t have a problem with that. But hey for like 2 euros you get 8 beautiful nude shades that look perfect once you put them on and last at least 3 hours FOR 2 EUROS … That’s a pretty great deal !


My rate : 3.5 stars

just because it doesn’t last that much or else i would’ve given 4 easily.

Should YOU buy it :

I think you should definitely go for it ! if you’re a fan of nude eyeshadows and you’re on a budget you will be pretty happy with what you get!

Pro Points:

Cheap and handy, with satisfying/good quality shades perfectly pigmented

Con Points:

Doesn’t last and may be hard to blend

This is it for my Essence makeup review ! Now its your call. I will try to make other honest makeup reviews for you guys! Do you like Essence ? Make sure to comment telling me what’s your favorite product by them ! And don’t forget to follow me on Social Media !


The It Fashionista.



A Day Without Social Media…

Good Morning.. Or afternoon depending on where you live ..

This week has flown by i mean it’s already Tuesday 😮 *Note the sarcasm*

Since it’s still summer and i still have a lot of time ahead of college, i decided to try something new.. basically my summer days are wasted either in front of tv -Shout out to the Olympics- or on the phone scrolling endlessly and switching between two or three apps all day. I know you’re like me. THIS IS NOT RIGHT !

We shouldn’t waste our days in front of our phone screens while we could do so many productive and meaningful things with our life !

I decided to take a day out of each week -Starting next week haha- where i won’t touch my phone at all -Unless there’s a fire in my house and i need to call for help – no social media, no twitter, no facebook, no instagram.. NADA

Now i know that it’s gonna be a bit hard to adjust to -yup i have no life sorry- but this will give me the opportunity to do my other hobbies, who knows maybe i’ll discover new stuff that i didn’t pay attention to because i was to busy stalking someone on instagram -Come on we’re all guilty of this-

I’m not really sure what i’m going to do and how am i going to spend my days but i will definitely be posting each week’s plan before hand so that you guys will know what i will be up to on my day off and why not,  join me on this journey and share what YOU do on a social media strike ! i would love to know !

Are you IN for a day without social media ? Let me know in the comments what you think and make sure to follow me on social media before you go on that strike haha


The It Fashionista.



Hello lovely community of WordPress,

Since you haven’t heard nor read anything from me since July, And since my last post was about a Zara wishlist i came to rasure you… No i did not hang myself because of the beautiful clothes, it was tempting haha but i waited for the mango fw 2016 to have a legible reason to hang myself, or drown myself in my tears haha

Anyways enough weirdness..

I have been recently reached by a website called MyTrendingStories.com and its like a blogging platform where you can basically post whatever you wish on whatever topic you chose. They thought my content was perfect for their website and they invited me to post on their platform and the huge advantage is that you get to also promote your content so its like a win-win deal !

Now first i was a bit skeptical about it i mean lets face it .. you have to at least post 2 times a week, fresh content every time.. ugh too much work for my lazy self haha but i thought hey i should go for it its surely an experience worth trying !

So from now on, you can find me there … Let’s see what this adventure will bring 🙂

Are YOU apart of MTS ? let me know in the comments what you think about the website and don’t forget to follow me on Social Media.
